Antico Amaro di Serravalle

Created by one of the most known Italian grappa producers, Antico Amaro di Serravalle it’s produced by the company for over 100years. The History of the company started in 1832 in Noto in the Sicily region with the family producing the Amaro and Grappa, at the beginning of 1900 with the crisis that it was a moment in Italy and with lots opportunity that North of Italy it was offered, especially for the family business, which they decide to move in Piedmont near Alessandria.

The Amaro follows a recipe dated the late XVII century donated by the Cappuccine monks from the monastery near Noto, which is said to be created by a Monk named Vincislao to cure cholera’s epidemic in India.

The recipe remains yet secret, consist of an infusion of over different herbs, spices, tree barks, and roots for 30days in alcohol, water, and sugar. With its bittersweet flavour and its digestif and full health properties due to the various herbs contained, it is typically drunk as after dinner, on the rock or neat, but it pairs very well with tonic water or in cocktails.

With the family still owned the company and ran the business, it produces together with the Amaro, other different Liquors like limoncello and Amaretto, but their speciality its Grappa, which they are proud of and winner of various awards. They also produce another version of the Amaro called My Amaro for the American Market, following the base of the Antico amaro di Serravalle itself.